Saturday 04 de May de 2024 /
Open from 10 to 14h and from 16 to 20h
From 16 October
Temporary exhibition
An exhibition of José Morea
Free activity
  • Moreatón
The theme of death could not be alien to an artist of such emphatic vitality as José Morea. In fact, he has dealt with it in various ways in his work, sometimes in baleful images, or of dangerous or directly self-destructive connotations, or in others in which he manifested his astonishment at the martyrs. But always without making a drama out of it.

Living without fear

Within the framework of the Moreatón exhibition –a characteristically ironic title–, in the MuVIM Cube, Morea presents three tables painted in Taormina for the Milanese gallery Arteborgogna, around the end of the last century. What it is about is the representation of three mummies in which two quite different sources of inspiration come together. On the one hand, they evoke the mummies and the corresponding portraits of the necropolis of Al Fayum, made in Egypt during the Roman occupation, between the 1st century B.C. and the 3rd century A.D. On the other hand, they refer to the relics of the saints Ambrose, Gervasio and Protasio of the crypt of the Romanesque basilica of Milan, whose faces of the 4th century have changed into plain but no less expressive skulls.

Of course, as usual with him, Morea does as he pleases, moves the matter into the territory of his own experience and, incidentally, surrounds it with all kinds of ornaments and allegories.

These central pieces are exhibited surrounded by large vinyl graphics where a wide selection of images appears, presented in chronological order, through which the viewer can get an idea of what has been the long artistic career of Morea, that is to say, practically forty years of painting. By the way, these images not only parade through time, but also extend in space. It is characteristic that they bear the imprint of the places where they come from, very different atmospheres which Morea has been imbued with and where he has worked: those of Pedralba, Madrid, Valencia, Doñana, Rome, Naples, Taormina, various enclaves of the East, Salvador de Bahia, Chiva...

El sueño imposible de San Ambrosio

Finally, what we find is a confrontation of death along with the review and celebration of a life. Those of us who know Morea realize how difficult it is, even in adverse circumstances, not to receive a good dose of stimulating energy from him. The mummies, in fact of interchangeable faces, do not transmit pain, but instead encourage meditation. And  it is that meditation that can lead us to the implicit recommendation in the images of the  vinyl graphics  (but also in the painting portraying Nacho Vidal, as well as he meditating between Buddhas, which is offered as a tip): that the greatest of sins is feeling alive and not taking advantage of it with due  intensity.
Vicente Jarque

Vicente Jarque

16/10/2019 to 11/12/2019
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Moreatón, an exhibition of José Morea. The inauguration will be next October 16th at 8:00 p.m. in the MuVIM Cube.


The Cube
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Opening Hours:
From Tuesday to Saturday:
From 10 a 14h. and from 16 to 20h.
Sundays and holidays:
From 10 to 20h.
Permanent exhibition:
Pre-booking is required
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